
Kalakar Nameblock

 2,640.00 4,290.00

Wooden Nameblock | Eco Friendly | Non Toxic Paints | Kalakar Nameblock

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SKU: Klkr_Nm_Blk Categories: , Tag:


Flaunt the Artist in you with the Kalakar Nameblock. Grab this handcrafted brilliance carved especially for you. On top will be your name in English, bottom will be Kalakar in Hindi and there will be a figurine on the right side showcasing your artform. Choose your artform from the dropdown and order a customized Nameblock specifically for you.

Available for multiple artforms, Kalakar Nameblock is a must possession for the art enthusiasts in you and your near and dear ones.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Type of Artist

Balley Dancer Girl, Dancer Boy, Drum Player Boy, Guitar Player Girl, Guitarist, Kathak Dancer Girl, Magician Boy, Painting Artist Girl, Singer Boy, Singer Girl, Sitar Girl, Trumpet Boy, Violin Girl, Gymnastics Girl

Number of Characters

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


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